Sunday School
Our Sunday school remains as the primary institution that provides a peer environment for children to study the Bible. We have approximately 65 students in our Sunday school in classes ranging from Nursery to Senior High. Classes are held every Sunday from 02:30 PM to 04:00 PM, opening with prayer requests, general announcements and activities such as a sing along session or Bible Jeopardy. Our classes and course structure are based around the Mar Thoma Sunday School curriculum.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it -
Sevika Sangham
Mar Thoma Suvishesha Sevika Sangham is the women’s organization of Mar Thoma Church that was established with the purpose of providing a platform for Marthomite women (above the age of 18) to play a significant role in the evangelistic and charitable mission of the church. The organization was founded in 1919 under the leadership of Abraham Mar Thoma Suffragan Metropolitan and is headquartered in Thiruvalla, Kerala, India. The solid foundation of the highly prominent organization was laid by the sacrificial and relentless efforts of its early leaders.
Colossians 1: 10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God -
The Church choir is an integral part of our Church. It plays a leadership role in the singing ministry of our Church. The choir leads the congregation in singing during Sunday Holy Communion/Worship service each week and on other special services.
The Church choir makes special presentations during Ecumenical Christmas Programs, Kerala Association Programs, Family Sundays, Choir dedication Sundays, Parish Day and Christmas Carol Service.
Psalm 33:3 Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.
Edavaka Mission
Edavaka Mission has a prominent role in spreading the Gospel and leading the mission activities of the Church. Edavaka Mission or The Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists’ Association, the oldest organization of Mar Thoma Church is a group of people who are interested in the evangelistic and intercessory activities of the church. The key actions of this fellowship are intercession, bible study, house visits, and conducting & organizing prayer fellowships. Every Marthomite has the responsibility to implant faith in God in the hearts of the word.
All of us are preparing our minds for the second coming of Jesus. During that time we are trying to renew our relationship with our Lord which we lost at Eden and regained through Jesus. To enrich our relationship with God, We need to engage our hearts in prayer.
Prayer Groups
Prayer meetings are conducted regularly in two prayer groups at the residence of members. Special prayer meetings are held at the residence of members who are sick or grieving the loss of their loved ones. Group prayer among Christians is important and rewarding. It has been this way from the beginning of the church. The fellowship of people coming together and praying in a circle is considered to be the strength of our church. The widely spread community of the congregation is connected with a prayer group according to their location helps the members of the church to be connected always in their journey.
Youth Fellowship
The Mar Thoma Youth league was organized with a view that all the young people in the Congregation should accept Jesus Christ as their saviour and Lord, and bear witness to his saving power. Youth League has been playing a vital role in Nottingham Mar Thoma Congregation. We are actively participating in all the church activities as well as various charity projects.
1 Timothy 4:12 Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in live , in love, in faith and in purity
The ministries are the activities and responsibility of our church in the fulfilment of its biblical mandate in the world. The purpose of the our Ministry is to bring people to saving faith in Christ and then assist them to grow in Christ-likeness, to bring everyone into a vital, authentic relationship with God through the grace of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, such that everyone glorifies God in thought, word, and deed both in the church and in the world with the ultimate goal of presenting every one complete in Christ.
Ministry is not about ritual or routine religion but a living relationship with God. It is not about numerical growth but spiritual growth. The church must draw its essence from God and his righteousness and holiness. It must take shape based on his worth as Creator. It is about people who vibrantly exalt Christ, openly perform works of faith, accurately teach the truth, boldly proclaim the gospel in word and deed.